Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join Veritas?

Veritas accepts new members on an annual basis based on the number of additional adults needed for the co-op to operate in the coming school year. We are seeking people who love the Lord Jesus, who want to develop relationships with other Christians and serve them, and who want their children to grow up to serve the Lord.

Do you have to be a certified teacher to join Veritas?

No. However, we do need individuals who are comfortable teaching and have strong classroom management in order to create a structured learning environment. We also need people who are willing to serve in other capacities as well. This could include being a teacher’s assistant, a preschool helper, or someone who helps by cleaning or organizing logistics. There are many ways that you can help.

How often does Veritas meet?

Veritas meets on Tuesdays throughout the school year at Faith Baptist Church in Chandler, TX. Classes begin at 8:00 am. However, in an effort to help families who are traveling longer distances, or who have young children, start times vary for the elementary grades (Pre-K - 6th grade) beginning at 8:00 in the morning. Chapel is required for all students and begins at 10:00. All our families must be present at that time. The co-op day ends at 3:00. Also, a detailed co-op calendar can be found on our website. We have an extended break between semesters for the month of December. We ask that families familiarize themselves with our attendance policies if they continue the process of applying to join the community.

Can my children attend Veritas without me?

No. Veritas is a working co-op, with each family contributing to the success of the school. All families must have at least one parent on-site working during the school day every Tuesday that we meet. (*All adults on campus must also have completed a background check prior to being on campus.)

How expensive is it?

We have worked very hard to make Veritas an affordable option for your family. Families are asked to pay an enrollment fee (upon enrollment) and class fees based on the age of your student. Pre-K through 6th grade costs are all encompassing with the exclusion of books. 7th grade and higher, parents can pick and choose courses to fit the individual needs of the student. However, upper level students are still required to attend chapel and must choose a minimum of three classes. Teachers are volunteers and are not paid, so the cost of individual class fees is set only to cover the costs of materials the teacher must purchase for the class.

Can I bring children in addition to my own?

You may only bring your own children, or those for whom you are the legal guardian.

What is the extent of my commitment to Veritas after I join?

In joining Veritas, you are making a serious commitment to all the families within the organization. You will hopefully receive some wonderful benefits by being a member, but you will also be committing to staying the duration of the school year. As a member, you will be plugged into a key service position. It will be very difficult for the co-op to replace you after the year starts, so please carefully weigh the benefits and potential costs for your family in making this commitment for the school year. (Please look at the school calendar as well.)

If you are still interested in Veritas after reading the Veritas Handbook, we would love for you to submit an application through our website.

We have a three tiered process:

1. Application - Applying is letting us know that you are interested in joining our community. Please read through the additional information available on the website before applying to make sure our co-op would be a good fit for you and your family.

2. Family Interview - After the application process, the board will reach out to individual families letting them know if they will proceed to this step. We are only able to add a small number of families to our co-op this year based on space and insurance requirements.

3. Class/Program Selection- After interviews, families who have been invited to enroll will be given information to do so. During this final step, students will register for classes and all fees will be paid.

We deeply regret that we cannot bring every family who wants to join into the co-op, but unfortunately space is limited.

For any additional questions please reach out to us via email at: